At my encouragement, Brett planned a training trip to Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, so the kids and I took the opportunity to visit Albuquerque. The last weekend of May/first weekend of June we drove six hours to my parents' house.
In reality it was my ploy to have additional adults for the weekend and not be with the kids by myself. It was a great trip to my parents' house. Friday morning we went to play miniature golf. Really Mom, Dad, Orion, Hunter and my Grandma golfed. Sabrina is (obviously) too young. I helped with Hunter and managed Sabrina. Isabella got in some sort of a funk and refused to play; she just kind of walked around the course near us.
My parents and a pair of their friends took the kids fishing at Shady Lakes. It was a great place to guarentee the kids would catch some fish! All of the kids got to reel in at least one fish.
Sabrina hung out in the stroller after her nap in the ergobaby carrier. The fishing trip was a great day for everyone!
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