Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Skipped 4, But Here's 5 Months

The top picture is Sabrina four month bouncy chair picture - September 5th. The bottom one is her five month bouncy chair picture - October 2nd. She doesn't look that much different in size, but she has developed a bunch. She plays with toys now - both kicking at them with her feet and reaching for them with her hands. She rolls over easily from belly to back and just today started rolling over from back to belly. Sabrina belly laughs when she is tickled.

Labor Day weekend we went to Salida for the day. Here is Sabrina hanging out with her daddy.
We played (or attempted to play) miniature golf. Here is Sabrina with her Auntie Ondie at the golf course.

Sabrina laughs at the camera. She has a bunch of slobber on her chin; I should have cleaned her up for the picture.
Sabrina's first taste of oatmeal cereal. Each of her siblings had to give her a spoonful. I'm not sure she liked the cereal all that much. I think she liked the attention from the whole family though.
Post cereal grimace
I put Sabrina in the kids' toy stroller. She just fit. Orion pushed her around the toy room for about 10 minutes. It was really funny to see Sabrina in this miniature stroller. She didn't seem to mind too much.

Sabrina rolling over - here she goes

Sabrina looks a little surprised after rolling over

She just started sitting in the high chair. She doesn't eat in the high chair because she doesn't really like food yet. (She cries every time I try to feed her.) She does like sitting in the high chair when the rest of us are eating, so that she can see what is going on.

Mommy's favorite picture this month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love seeing you guys. The picture of Sabrina in the high chair is too cute. Of course, I have a special place in my heart for Hunter.It looks like the whole gang is oing quite well. Thanks for sharing with me.
All my love,
Rebecca Breakey