Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hunter's first day of preschool

Isabella lost her first tooth!!

On the way home from camping this past weekend, Isabella wiggled her tooth right out of her mouth! I think she surprised herself that it actually came out of her mouth.

All four kids never smile at the same time

Getting a picture of all four looking at the camera and smiling is virtually impossible. I have tried bribery on many occasions. I will cut them a little slack with these pictures because they were taken at 7:30 in the morning. I'm not much in the mood for pictures at that hour of the day either.

Orion and Isabella are pointing at Brett who had just driven into the driveway. I was trying to get them all to look at the camera; Brett was behind me.
I think this picture is the best of the bunch.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day of School

The first day of school would not be complete without pictures. I'm sure my kids will be totally sick of their mom taking pictures of their entire life!! Just like last year - today was a dreary, misty, chilly morning. Brett is working swings (evening shifts) this week, so he was home and all six of us went to school together this morning. The parking is horrible around the kids' school, so we were walking up to the building as the first bell rang. I don't feel like I really got to send the kids off with my desired well-wishes, but off to school they went none-the-less.
Orion started 2nd grade.
Isabella started 1st grade.
I have friends who are sending their oldest child off to kindergarten for the first time this month. I have been reflecting on the momentous occasion of the first day of kindergarten. I don't think it has gotten any easier. This is my third year to have one of my kids in school full time. It was just as hard to drop them off this morning as it was two years ago. I miss my kids so much when they are at school.

Boulder Kids Triathlon

Orion and Isabella participated in a Kids Triathlon in Boulder on August 8th. It was a short race, but they really seemed to enjoy themselves. If it doesn't look like enjoyment in this picture, take into consideration that it was 7 am and a little chilly.

Isabella walking through the Boulder Reservoir. They weren't required to actually swim until the 8 year olds.

Brett just barely caught a picture of Isabella on the run. She finished very closely behind Orion.
Orion started out swimming, but then when everyone else was running he switched to running.
Orion was very focused on his bike and run.

Look at those long strides he is taking at the end.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watering the garden

For the past five years we have had two spots in the community garden that is just down the hill from our house. I love our garden. It is a great adventure for our family and we get fresh food out of the garden. The kids like going to the garden because they are free to play in the dirt and run around. We don't always plan well. Sometimes going to the garden on our way to somewhere else. We really should keep a spare pair of clothes in the van for the kids.