Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Battling with my daughter

Isabella has been having trouble keeping her room clean. She doesn't like to clean. She doesn't care if it is messy. She does art projects in her room, leaving scraps of paper all over the floor. She never puts her clothes in the hamper. I could go on and on and on.
I have been attempting consistency with Isabella and the status of her room. This afternoon she had about ten items on the floor and a cubby full of stuff she cleaned out of her seat in the van. I told her that she needed to clean her room and the cubby.
She came back downstairs after 15 minutes or so. I asked her if her room was clean. She said, "yes." I asked her if I needed to check her room to ensure it was clean. She said, "no. It was clean." As well, Isabella stressed that I needed to stay out of her room.
Shortly after that, she asked me for four pieces of tape to post a sign on her door. Below is the sign. After laughing really hard at the sign. I have to admit I'm proud of her spelling attempt. She intended the sign to read "Mom, don't come in my room. I mean it." She did a great job of putting down the letters for the words she meant.
Obviously, she had not really cleaned her room. She had simply stuffed everything between the wall and her bed/dresser. I pulled everything out and suggested to her that she try again. This is a never-ending battle at our house.


Kristin Chadwick said...

that is awesome!

Mama to three said...

Glad Isabella is keeping you on your toes these days! I'm sure I'll be calling you in a few years!!