Saturday, March 15, 2008

Isabella potty trained Hunter

For the past two months I have been asking Hunter occasionally if he wanted to use the big potty. He emphatically always answered "NO!"
I haven't been too worried; after all he isn't three years old yet and warmer weather is coming. I thought I could just strip him down and stick him outside in the warmer weather, then things would just naturally happen.
Well, Isabella had a different plan. (What this means for Isabella's teenage years, I'm not sure.) Monday evening Isabella found the training seat that sits on a big toliet, but makes the seat smaller. She put the seat on the toliet and told Hunter to go pee in the potty. He did and Isabella continued to take him to the potty about every 15 minutes all evening long.
I decided to make the most of this opportunity, so I put Hunter in underwear Tuesday morning and we've not looked back. He has had a few accidents. On Day #4 (yesterday) he went pee in the potty all day without any pee accidents. Thanks to Isabella, Hunter seems to be getting the hang of this!

Hunter is very proud of his baseball underwear.
Hunter and his potty trainer, Isabella
What a cute trio of trouble!

1 comment:

suesun said...

Nice! Assertive older sisters and the little brothers who worship them is such a fascinating sibling relationship. Hooray for Isabella and Hunter! And hooray for you for seizing an opportunity.