Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lucky Kids

I realize I had something to do with this choice, but ... my kids are so lucky because they have the best dad.
This past six weeks Brett has been coaching a 3 & 4 year old soccer team. He didn't sign up to coach; I signed him up to coach. Have you ever coached 3 & 4 year old soccer? It is very crazy and challenging!! Brett has a huge amount of patience with these little kids.
Thursday afternoon Isabella fell off a scooter and crashed her eye into one of our cars. (I didn't see the crash, so I'm not really sure what actually happened. This is just what Isabella told us.) Thankfully Isabella had her helmet on, so the injury was minimal - a little cut on her eyelid and a scrape on her face. It is a good thing she has Brett for a dad because he was very calm and soothing. I almost fainted.
Brett took this picture of the first catch of the season. I included this picture because this fish was caught on a Daddy-only fishing trip. I was working last Sunday and Brett took all four kids fishing for the whole day. They all had a blast.
Don't they look so cute? I'm not sure who is reading to who.

1 comment:

Elise said...

I agree, your family are blessed with a fine husband and father!