Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Sweet Squirrel

First, the title might throw a few folks for a loop. Well, that is my nickname for Isabella. I started calling her squirrelly girl to combat some people calling her a girly girl because I am not a girly girl. Then squirrelly girl has been shortened to simply squirrel. Isabella doesn't seem to mind and almost views it as a term of affection.

On to the pictures ... Isabella went to preschool two mornings a week this past year. She LOVED every minute of preschool. Preschool didn't always love her because she was a bit of a wild child at times in preschool. She and two of her buddies often had trouble sitting still, listening during story time or just listening at all. She is so full of energy that I hesitate to squelch it. Hopefully she'll learn to settle down a little bit more or else she and I are going to have a long kindergarten year.

The first bunch of pictures are from the field day at preschool. In typical Colorado style, the weather was too cold to have field day outside, so they did relay games in the gym. Isabella's teachers were nice enough to let Hunter participate as well.

Isabella and one of her partners-in-crime doing the sack race.

Isabella carrying an egg on a spoon around the cone. They didn't use real eggs in the gym which was a really good idea.

Isabella tossing a bean bag in order to knock the baseball off.

The next pictures are from the last day of preschool. The kids gave a little presentation of the Bible verses they learned and sang a handful of songs. Then they each received a certificate.

Isabella with her teachers - Mrs. White and Mrs. Cartee.

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