Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Day in Hawaii

After a very long day on Monday we arrived safely at our rental house south of Kona. From the time we left our house in Colorado Springs until we were in the house in Hawaii was a mere 21 hours. Argh!! Our kids were very good considering. Today we unpacked at the house, went to the beach across the street, grocery shopped, chased lizards, napped, watched the sunset and went to bed early. It is 8:30pm and I am the last one up.

After my first 24 hours in Hawaii, I've decided that I could live here - at least part-time. The lower floor of our rental house has an apartment where the property care-takers live. I think once our kids are gone that Brett and I will try to find a set-up like this - only I really want two - One in Hawaii for the summer months and one in the Rockies for the winter months; I still need to make up my skiing time from the past six years of being pregnant.

The kids had a great day today. Orion snorkeled for the first time and loved it. Hunter, Sabrina and Isabella played in the surf. Sabrina has mixed feelings about the ocean, but who can blame her because the waves are as big as she is. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

For those interested in tracking Brett's race on Saturday go to . The website is being updated daily. In the upper-middle right column is a place to enter the racer's number that you want to track. Brett's race number is 1008. Thanks for everyone's good luck wishes so far.

1 comment:

Kristin Chadwick said...

How fun, Jennifer! I will be thinking both of your turbo husband and my own father as he does his own Baltimore Marathon. Thinking of you...