Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

If you think you can name the three things "wrong" with this picture, please post.
It isn't very nice for parents to set their kids up, but what else are we going to do for entertainment.


Unknown said...

1. He's wearing UNC shorts.

2. He's wearing UNC shorts.

3. He's wearing UNC shorts.

Do I win? said...

1. He's wearing two different colleges (Duke and North Carolina), none of which are Purdue (you're welcome, Brett). A no-no; I learned this when I was told I dressed Isaac in Nike socks and an Adias shirt.

2. He's not wearing ISU.

3. He's got on a pink hat (I see a pattern here - last time he was in a pink tutu outfit).

suesun said...

1. He's smiling.
2. He's smiling.
3. He's smiling.